When they decide to separate, many couples have hopes and plenty of fears. They want to avoid the long, nasty, legal mess that might happen in divorce court, but court-approved divorces are the way to make things final and enforceable. This is where collaborative...
Year: 2019
Parellel parenting: Divorce option to help prevent contention
Many Pennsylvania parents argue about their kids. When the arguments occur in relation to divorce, things can get messy. In fact, in some situations, ex-spouses can barely be in the same room together. Constant conflict between parents is not likely to help children...
De Niro and Hightower battling through divorce a 2nd time
Years ago, Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro and his wife, Grace Hightower got divorced. Some time later, they reunited. There may be Pennsylvania spouses who can relate to such scenarios. There may also be people who relate to De Niro's current state of events,...
Divorce: Are legal issues affecting your children’s health?
Many Pennsylvania households include children who are trying to adapt to new lifestyles. When parents decide to divorce, their decisions have significant impacts on their children's lives. Not only is it important to try to keep legal stress to a minimum for financial...
Understanding Pennsylvania divorce laws regarding assets
Legally severing marital ties is typically not without its challenges. When a Pennsylvania resident files a petition to divorce, he or she must resolve many issues regarding property division and, perhaps, child custody, alimony or other matters. It is wise to seek...
Does your divorce plan include specific terms for summer time?
Many Pennsylvania parents get a bit stressed out when the school year begins to wind down and they must think ahead to their summer plans. For parents who work full time outside the home, finding safe, affordable ways to occupy their kids for summer can be quite...
Jeff Bezos’ ex is happy about her divorce settlement
Most Pittsburgh residents are not billionaires. However, a married couple in this city and other Pennsylvania regions may currently be preparing for a high-asset divorce. Those who are may want to review the recent Jeff Bezos case. Founder of Amazon.com and father of...
Effective guidance and strong support helpful in divorce
When you go through a challenging time in life, it often helps to have someone, such as a close friend or loved one, to lean on and to turn to for support. Even the most trying circumstances can often be made less stressful just by not having to go it alone. This is...
Divorce: Priority issues for co-parenting agreements
When couples end their marriages, they typically want to keep matters out of the court as much as possible. When a Pennsylvania spouse decides to divorce, he or she doesn't wish to get caught up in a seemingly endless round of litigation sessions. Many people can't...
Collaborative law divorce is less expensive than litigation
Pittsburgh residents currently planning to file for divorce no doubt want to keep their costs as low as possible. Ending a marriage typically sparks financial challenges, sometimes related to child support or property division, but also often in connection with court...