A Pennsylvania divorce is rarely easy, but there are steps you may want to take that may help ensure that you give all relevant matters the attention they deserve. You may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of having to find a lawyer, determine child custody arrangements, if applicable, and potentially find a new place to live, among other necessary steps.
However, Brides.com reports that breaking down your to-do list and tackling things one at a time may help you keep your head above water. Consider making the following moves before filing for divorce.
1. Take steps to separate your finances
If you and your spouse have money in the same bank accounts, consider moving your half into a separate account in your name only. This helps prevent your spouse from potentially draining the account. If you share lines or credit, you should also close shared accounts or risk your spouse accruing debt you may have to pay later.
2. Decide whether to fight for the house
Ahead of a divorce, you may also want to consider whether you want to fight to keep the house you currently live in or find a new place to live. There are implications that come with both options. In some cases, vacating your marital home early may hurt your divorce case.
3. Create a post-divorce budget
You may find that your financial situation looks much different once you split from your spouse. Setting a new budget to stick to while your divorce is ongoing may help you avoid having your finances spiral out of control in the future.
The more you prepare for life on your own after a divorce, the better the chances of you navigating your divorce with minimal hardship.