If you are considering mediation or you are already working with a mediator, you likely know about some of the benefits associated with this process (such as saving time and money while reducing negative emotions that come with ending your marriage). In some instances, mediation is no longer a possibility, whether a couple cannot agree on certain key issues or one party simply does not want to work with a mediator.
Fortunately, mediation is also advantageous because couples have the option to terminate mediation and take their divorce case to court.
How is mediation terminated?
According to the Pennsylvania Bulletin, there are a number of ways in which the mediation process ends. In some instances, mediation terminates because both parties are able to agree that mediation is not going to work. Even when a couple partially agrees on ending mediation, if the mediator determines that the mediation process will not resolve various divorce issues, they can terminate mediation.
Sometimes, mediators come to the conclusion that this process is not appropriate for a couple’s situation and that reaching an agreement is not possible.
Why do people decide to end mediation?
There are many reasons why you could decide to end mediation. For example, if you have dealt with domestic violence in the past and you have concerns about your safety, cooperating with your spouse to work through mediation is not always a good idea.
Some people end mediation because of substance abuse or mental health issues, or they simply find that they cannot agree on contentious issues such as the custody of their children.