There is much to contemplate when seeking a divorce in Pennsylvania. Division of property, living arrangements and child custody are significant factors, but there are small details, as well.
Consider the minor issues along with everything else. Paying attention to these simple things could save a lot of hassle down the road.
Speak to a lawyer
Although some people might prefer to handle things themselves, most find it is a good idea to talk to an attorney. Even if the divorcing parties agree in general, it is helpful to have someone experienced in family law to help with filing paperwork and the court system.
Respect the children
Most people do not intend to use their children to hurt or manipulate their spouse, but it can happen. The American Psychological Association recommends keeping recurring parental conflict away from children. Children who experience such behavior are at a higher risk of social and psychological problems.
Focus on finances
Divorce proceedings can be costly. Making sure to put enough money aside for divorce can take a lot of financial stress out of the equation. It is also a good idea to make copies of relevant documents such as tax returns, insurance policies and estate documents.